Feasibility and Market Study
Feasibility and Market Study
One of the most important factors when establishing any new project or introducing new product or service is to conduct a feasibility study, which will determine the feasibility of establishing such project, and therefore this study is considered to be a very critical step that will determine the destiny of the capital or investment.
Feasibility and market studies are often used to provide a quick initial low cost, low profit assessment of a potential project.
They are often the first rung on the project development ladder. Usually there is no specific set format, with reports varying according to buyer needs and supplier custom.
We are very careful in accepting any feasibility study projects unless we are positive of our capability to give the right results. During the previous period, our office used to conduct a lot of feasibility studies for clients who acquired investment loans and partnerships based on the feasibility study results. The result proved to be very accurate in later stages.
Dahlan Management Consulting can put a team of experts together and tailor feasibility studies to suit your needs, timeframes and budget.